Care Ministries

Caring For Our Community

We realize there are many that are hurting in our congregation AND our community.
Hillside is committed to meet you where you are,  provide a place of worship and  healing.
Allow us the privilege to walk through the hard times alongside of you.

Hillside Care Classes & Groups

Hillside Hope Connection is Hillside Church's ministry to widows & widowers who have experienced the loss of their spouse. In this next season of life, this ministry provides a place to grow and experience hope through Bible Study, prayer and fellowship. We meet Wednesdays at 6pm. To register Click Here.

Care Ministers | Stephen Ministers | Pastoral Care

Trained lay persons provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people both in our church and community. They have gifts and graces in compassion, encouragement, and support. They are available to visit or contact persons in hospitals, nursing homes, or private homes alongside the pastoral staff providing companionship, prayer, anointing and holy communion.
For more information, click here.

Hillside Counseling Center

While the Counseling Center serves anyone regardless of their church affiliation. All services offered are consistent with the spiritual and ethical standards of the Christian faith. Our licensed counselors keep all sessions confidential, and all calls are confidential.
For more info, click here.

Funeral & Memorial Services

Help with preparations and assist the family the day of the service. For more information,  click here.

Prayer Team

Prays for the needs of the congregation received on Prayer Request Cards in worship, in person or submitted online

AA, NA, Al-Anon, Al-Ateen

Get plugged in today.  Groups meet most days at Hillside. Visit the Hillside Calendar to search for meeting times. 

Need Financial Assistance?

Due to a high volume of pending applications, we are not currently accepting new requests for financial assistance.

Contact the Care Ministry

Interested in receiving help? Want to be part of our Care Team?
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.