Missions & Outreach

“We serve life, not because it is broken, but because it is holy.” - Mother Teresa
“It may take place in a foreign land or it may take place in your backyard, but I believe that we were each created to change the world for someone. To serve someone. To love someone the way Christ first loved us, to spread His light. This is the dream, and it is possible.”

how can you become part of our monthly Mission Focus?

Serve at Hillside

The work of the church takes many hands. Be a part of helping others grow in their relationship with Christ through hospitality, music, teaching, and more. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Serve Locally

Hillside reaches out into our community through local partnerships, giving, and service. Join us in making a difference in the lives of our neighbors. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Serve Globally

Hillside reaches out further into the United States and the world by answering the call to love God's children no matter where they live. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Serve Virtually

We have opportunities where you can still serve your neighbor even if you're not ready to be out in the community.  Fill out the form below to get more info.
Meet our Missionaries

Hillside supports missionaries who serve out in the world every day spreading God's word and love. Most of them have grown up at Hillside and been called into a long-term missionary life in other countries, college campuses, and high-risk areas. Find out where and how they serve and pray for them. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Spiritual Gift Assessment 

Take 10 minutes to begin the journey of discovering God's unique call on your life. Click here to take the assessment.

Ready to get started?

Are you ready to serve? Need help understanding where you should serve, or just have questions?
We would love the opportunity to talk to you and help you find where you fit.