Serving at Hillside.
It takes many hands to be open to our community. We need many volunteer servants throughout the week and on weekends. Where are you led to serve?
Sunday Worship
It takes over 100 volunteer servants to provide a welcoming and loving worship service on Sunday morning. The servants you encounter on Sunday might be an usher, greeter, parking lot greeter, choir, praise team, teacher, production team member, acolyte, security and so much more. Fill out the form below and let us help you get connected.
Adult Ministry
The Women's and Men's ministry at Hillside is growing. Life changing connections and relationships are built and small life groups are being made while involved. Join the Men of Hillside or Women of Hillside. Click to find out more on how you can connect and serve or fill out the form below.
Children's Ministry
The testimony of our children's ministry is in the numbers. More and more parents are bringing their children to Hillside because their kids want to go. They look forward to to the creative ways we have found to teach our kids about the Love of Christ through Clubhouse Worship, VBS, Children's choir and more. It takes many hands and feet to continue to make this an exciting place for children to experience worship. Fill out the form below and let us help you get connected.
Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry will grow junior high and senior high students through energetic worship and messages that address the issues relevant to their age group. Many hands are needed to help shape our students into christian young men and women. If you feel led to serve with our youth, fill out the form below to get started.
There are many other opportunities to serve including media, music and outreach.
Background checks and interviews are required for all servant volunteers that serve in youth and children's ministry.
Background checks and interviews are required for all servant volunteers that serve in youth and children's ministry.