
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

We want to see kids and parents make Jesus a priority in their families.
Our Children’s Ministry team values collaboration, unity, and trust. We are motivated by the Gospel and will maximize experiences by focusing on families,
safety and elevating creativity. We want to make Sunday the BEST day of the week! We would love to see you and your family on Sunday! Join the fun and experience!
The Clubhouse, a world where kids will meet Jesus on their level!

Who We Are and
What We Do

  • We will Equip and Empower parents to be the spiritual leaders of their families by providing community experiences and useful tools on a regular basis.
  • We will incite wonder in the Gospel by bringing God’s word to life through interactive and applicable experiences.
  • We will develop disciples and leaders through intentional and ongoing spiritual growth and leadership development.
  • We will open our arms to a world that needs the love of Christ through outward acts of service locally and globally, and inward acts of hospitality to anyone who enters our environments.

Other Children's Programs

Children's Choir
Children's Choir encourages children
to experience a love of musical worship.
For more info, click here.
Fee Based Programs
Mother's Day Out
Breakfast Club
Click here to register for
any of our programs.
Mother's of Preschoolers
MOPS and MomsNext is for moms of children ages newborn through school age. Better Moms Make a Better World. For more info, click here
Hillside Preschool & Academy
Hillside Preschool & Academy is a separate program from MyHillside Kids. Fore more info on HP&A, click here.

Register for these and other Children's Ministry Events

Sunday Mornings

Infants - 2 years
8:30am, 9:30am, & 11:00am

My Hillside Kids welcomes children from infants through 5th grade. Each child will check in at the Welcome Desk on our Check Point Security System. They will then go to their classroom to begin their lesson and Worship.

LifeGroups / The Clubhouse
3 years - 5th Grade
9:30am & 11:00am

After the service, be sure to ask your child what they learned in their LifeGroup and in The Clubhouse. For children in preschool through 5th grade, we have Parent Cue Cards with helpful tips and discussion starters to continue what they’ve learned on Sunday, throughout the week.
If you are a new family, please be sure to complete a New Family Connection Form and bring it to one of our amazing Children’s Ministry Staff.
They will be happy and excited to show you to your classroom and introduce you to their LifeGroup Leader.

Contact the Children's Ministry

We would love to hear from you or answer any questions you might have.