What is the Mission Focus of the Month?

YOU are exactly who God has created you to be, and God has designed you to fulfill a mission that only you can! Our hope is that as we learn about different ministries in our community and throughout the world, something will speak to you. Our dream is for you to experience the JOY of living into your purpose. Keep scrolling to experience our Mission Focus of the Month in a more in-depth way.

May Mission Focus: MUST Summer Lunch

Over 44 million people in the United States, including 13 million children, don't have enough to eat and don't know where their next meal will come from.  Many of those children depend on meals provided at school for consistent nutrition.
Every year, hundreds of children within a 10 mile radius of Hillside are at risk of going hungry when summer begins and food support from their school ends.  That's why every summer, Hillside partners with the MUST Summer Lunch program to get food into the hands of the children who need it in our community.
Learn more about how YOU can help here.